

Test the performance of the model

Prepare data

Downloading the ShareGPT dataset

wget https://huggingface.co/datasets/anon8231489123/ShareGPT_Vicuna_unfiltered/resolve/main/ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json

Start the model service

Start the model service to be benchmarked, and get the model id.

Run benchmark script

Get the benchmark script from vllm github below:


Run benchmark_serving script to do benchmark.

  • fastchat will generate a random model id when deploy the model and it's not the same as the --model parameter here. We have to use local model path for benchmark_serving's --model, and when call the API, wen should use the id of fastchat's model service. To achieve this, we can update the backend_request_func.py script in line 222, change request_func_input.prompt to the generated one by fastchat. Or we can add a new parameter in benchmark_serving to specify this model id.
# we use vllm as the backend, host and port will be the base url of the model service
# benchmark script will run against its /v1/completions endpoint
python benchmark_serving.py --backend vllm --model /ray/models/qwen1.5-7b-chat --dataset ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json --num-prompts 100 --request-rate 10 --host --port 8000

Here is a sample output

Namespace(backend='vllm', base_url=None, host='', port=8000, endpoint='/v1/completions', dataset='ShareGPT_V3_unfiltered_cleaned_split.json', dataset_name='sharegpt', dataset_path=None, model='/ray/models/qwen1.5-7b-chat', tokenizer=None, best_of=1, use_beam_search=False, num_prompts=1000, sonnet_input_len=550, sonnet_output_len=150, sonnet_prefix_len=200, request_rate=20.0, seed=0, trust_remote_code=False, disable_tqdm=False, save_result=False, metadata=None, result_dir=None)
Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.
/home/ray/benchmark_serving.py:590: UserWarning: The '--dataset' argument will be deprecated in the next release. Please use '--dataset-name' and '--dataset-path' in the future runs.
Traffic request rate: 20.0
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [03:01<00:00, 5.50it/s]
============ Serving Benchmark Result ============
Successful requests: 863
Benchmark duration (s): 181.98
Total input tokens: 186901
Total generated tokens: 75378
Request throughput (req/s): 4.74
Input token throughput (tok/s): 1027.06
Output token throughput (tok/s): 414.22
---------------Time to First Token----------------
Mean TTFT (ms): 21203.99
Median TTFT (ms): 0.00
P99 TTFT (ms): 103100.89
-----Time per Output Token (excl. 1st token)------
Mean TPOT (ms): 143.82
Median TPOT (ms): 97.03
P99 TPOT (ms): 601.67

You can use python benchmark_serving.py --help to get all paramaeters that can be used to run the benchmark script.