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arctl(arcadia command line tool) provides comprehensive tools to help you build and deploy AIGC applications.

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  • Go1.20+
go install

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❯ arctl -h
Command line tools for Arcadia

arctl [command]

Available Commands:
chat Do LLM chat with similarity search(optional)
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
dataset Manage dataset locally
datasource Manage datasources
help Help about any command

-h, --help help for arctl
--home string home directory to use (default "/home/bjwswang/.arcadia")
-n, --namespace string namespace to use (default "default")

Use "arctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Build from local code

  1. Clone arcadia
git clone
  1. Build
make arctl
  1. Have a try! ❤️
❯ ./bin/arctl -h
Command line tools for Arcadia

arctl [command]

Available Commands:
chat Do LLM chat with similarity search(optional)
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
dataset Manage dataset locally
datasource Manage datasources
help Help about any command

-h, --help help for arctl
--home string home directory to use (default "/home/bjwswang/.arcadia")
-n, --namespace string namespace to use (default "default")

Use "arctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


Datasource management

You can use arctl to manage your datasources with the following commands:

  • arctl datasource list: list your datasources
  • arctl datasource create: create a new datasource
  • arctl datasource delete: delete datasource along with the auth secret(if set)
  • arctl datasource get: get a datasource info

Local dataset management

You can use arctl to manage your dataset locally with the following commands:

  • arctl dataset list: list your local datasets
  • arctl dataset create: create a new local dataset
  • arctl dataset delete: delete a local dataset and reset the vector store
  • arctl dataset show: show a local dataset info
  • arctl dataset execute: execute a local dataset with additional local files

Create a local dataset

❯ arctl dataset create -h
Create dataset

arctl dataset create [usage] [flags]

--chunk-overlap int chunk overlap for embedding (default 30)
--chunk-size int chunk size for embedding (default 300)
--document-language string language of the document(Only text,html,csv supported now) (default "text")
--documents string path of the documents/document directories to load(separated by comma and directories supported)
-h, --help help for create
--llm-apikey string apiKey to access embedding service
--llm-type string llm type to use(Only zhipuai,openai supported now) (default "zhipuai")
--name string dataset(namespace/collection) of the document to load into
--text-splitter string text splitter to use(Only character,token,markdown supported now) (default "character")
--vector-store string vector stores to use(Only chroma supported now) (default "")

Global Flags:
--home string home directory to use (default "/Users/bjwswang/.arcadia")

Required Arguments:

  • --name: The name of the dataset
  • --llm-apikey : The apikey of llm/embedding service
  • --documents: The documents to load. It is a wrapped file path string with comma. A directory is also supported

For example:

This will create a local dataset arcadia and load documents ./ & ./examples/ into vectorstore(chromadb http://localhost:8000) with help of embedding service zhipuai and its apikey 26b2bc55fae40752055cadfc4792f9de.wagA4NIwg5aZJWhm

arctl dataset create --name arcadia  --llm-apikey 26b2bc55fae40752055cadfc4792f9de.wagA4NIwg5aZJWhm --documents ./,./examples
I1012 17:53:44.541770 7287 dataset.go:132] Execute dataset: arcadia
I1012 17:53:44.541812 7287 dataset.go:400] Loading document: ./
I1012 17:53:55.552440 7287 dataset.go:413] Time cost 11.01 seconds for loading document: ./
I1012 17:53:55.552705 7287 dataset.go:394] Loading document: examples/chat_with_document/
I1012 17:54:06.595791 7287 dataset.go:413] Time cost 11.04 seconds for loading document: examples/chat_with_document/
I1012 17:54:06.595822 7287 dataset.go:394] Loading document: examples/chat_with_document/handler.go
I1012 17:54:24.256721 7287 dataset.go:413] Time cost 17.66 seconds for loading document: examples/chat_with_document/handler.go
I1012 17:54:24.256749 7287 dataset.go:394] Loading document: examples/chat_with_document/main.go
I1012 17:54:26.003785 7287 dataset.go:413] Time cost 1.75 seconds for loading document: examples/chat_with_document/main.go
I1012 17:54:26.003822 7287 dataset.go:394] Loading document: examples/chat_with_document/start.go

List local datasets

❯ arctl dataset list -h
List dataset

arctl dataset list [usage] [flags]

-h, --help help for list

Global Flags:
--home string home directory to use (default "/Users/bjwswang/.arcadia")

Note: arctl will list local datasets cached under /Users/bjwswang/.arcadia/dataset by default

For example:

❯ arctl dataset list
| arcadia | 4 | zhipuai | http://localhost:8000 | text | 300 | 30 |

Show a local dataset info

❯ arctl dataset show -h
Load more documents to dataset

arctl dataset show [usage] [flags]

-h, --help help for show
--name string dataset(namespace/collection) of the document to load into

Global Flags:
--home string home directory to use (default "/Users/bjwswang/.arcadia")

Required Arguments:

  • --name: The name of the dataset

For example:

❯ arctl dataset show --name arcadia
I1012 17:57:17.026985 7609 dataset.go:206]
"name": "arcadia",
"create_time": "2023-10-12 17:53:44.541654 +0800 CST m=+0.003758739",
"llm_type": "zhipuai",
"llm_api_key": "4fcceceb1666cd11808c218d6d619950.TCXUvaQCWFyIkxB3",
"vector_store": "http://localhost:8000",
"document_language": "text",
"text_splitter": "character",
"chunk_size": 300,
"chunk_overlap": 30,
"files": {
"2905cb6e865ce2192369038eaa7f9f8c3d3ba6f2a6ae01b5c23afc21c01e4bd8": {
"path": "./",
"size": 6176,
"chunks": 29,
"chunks_loaded": 29
"2b6d423b926936244c6ddb56e7b9a60e3c6d2b866feabc75bb3deda27cd2f94e": {
"path": "examples/chat_with_document/main.go",
"size": 982,
"chunks": 5,
"chunks_loaded": 5
"8e7094a9c6a062c6a4e19cb43cc3abef23b0569b51a5f64655d2761c04e5835a": {
"path": "examples/chat_with_document/handler.go",
"size": 6441,
"chunks": 30,
"chunks_loaded": 30
"bc0dcb3a672ef35b8e2c915f67ca0c7accd4883148a0506f1749971a22cafa96": {
"path": "examples/chat_with_document/",
"size": 6267,
"chunks": 30,
"chunks_loaded": 30

Delete a local dataset

❯ arctl dataset delete -h
Delete dataset

arctl dataset delete [usage] [flags]

-h, --help help for delete
--name string dataset(namespace/collection) of the document to load into (default "arcadia")
--reset-vector-store forcely reset dataset from remote vector store

Global Flags:
--home string home directory to use (default "/Users/bjwswang/.arcadia")

Required Arguments:

  • --name: The name of the dataset

For example:

❯ arctl dataset delete --name arcadia
I1012 18:06:04.894410 8786 dataset.go:272] Delete dataset: arcadia
I1012 18:06:04.894985 8786 dataset.go:303] Successfully delete dataset: arcadia

NOTE: If you want to remove the vectors as well,you should set --reset-vector-store flag

Chat with LLM

❯ arctl chat -h
Do LLM chat with similarity search(optional)

arctl chat [usage] [flags]

--dataset string dataset(namespace/collection) to query from
-h, --help help for chat
--llm-apikey string apiKey to access llm service.Must required when embedding similarity search is enabled
--llm-type string llm type to use for embedding & chat(Only zhipuai,openai supported now) (default "zhipuai")
--method string Invoke method used when access LLM service(invoke/sse-invoke) (default "sse-invoke")
--model string which model to use: chatglm_lite/chatglm_std/chatglm_pro (default "chatglm_lite")
--num-docs int number of documents to be returned with SimilarSearch (default 5)
--question string question text to be asked
--score-threshold float32 score threshold for similarity search(Higher is better)
--temperature float32 temperature for chat (default 0.95)
--top-p float32 top-p for chat (default 0.7)

Global Flags:
--home string home directory to use (default "/Users/bjwswang/.arcadia")

Now arctl chat has two modes which is controlled by flag --enable-embedding-search:

  • normal chat without embedding search(default)
  • enable similarity search with embedding

Chat without embedding

This will chat with LLM zhipuai with its apikey by using model chatglm_pro without embedding

arctl chat --llm-apikey 26b2bc55fae40752055cadfc4792f9de.wagA4NIwg5aZJWhm --model chatglm_pro --question "介绍一下Arcadia"

Required Arguments:

  • --llm-apikey
  • --question


Prompts: [{user 介绍一下Arcadia}]
Arcadia(阿卡迪亚)是一个知名的游戏开发团队,成立于 2007 年,总部位于美国加州洛杉矶。Arcadia 主要致力于创作高质量的社交游戏和虚拟世界,旨在为玩家提供一个沉浸式的游戏体验。他们的作品在全球范围内拥有大量的玩家,其中包括许多虚拟世界和模拟经营类的游戏。

Arcadia 的创始人兼 CEO 是 Raph Koster,他是一位在游戏行业拥有丰富经验的游戏设计师。在成立 Arcadia 之前,他曾担任过多家知名游戏公司的要职,如索尼在线娱乐、艺电等。

Arcadia 开发的游戏中最知名的作品之一是《Second Life》(第二人生),这是一款非常受欢迎的虚拟世界游戏,玩家可以在游戏中创建自己的虚拟角色、探索环境、与其他玩家互动等。这款游戏自推出以来获得了许多奖项,被誉为虚拟世界游戏的典范。

除了《Second Life》之外,Arcadia 还开发了许多其他游戏,如《Champions Online》、《Star Wars: Galaxies》等。此外,他们还为其他游戏公司提供游戏开发咨询和技术支持服务。

总的来说,Arcadia 是一家在游戏行业具有较高声誉和影响力的公司,他们不断推出新的游戏作品,为玩家带来更多精彩的游戏体验。

Chat with embedding

This will chat with LLM zhipuai with its apikey by using model chatglm_pro with embedding enabled

arctl chat --llm-apikey 26b2bc55fae40752055cadfc4792f9de.wagA4NIwg5aZJWhm --model chatglm_pro  --num-docs 10 --question "介绍一下Arcadia" --dataset arcadia

Required Arguments:

  • --dataset
  • --llm-apikey
  • --question


Prompts: [{user 
} {assistant
} {user 我的问题是: 介绍一下Arcadia. 以下是我提供的上下文:--- sidebar_position: 1 --- # 介绍## Contribute to Arcadia If you want to contribute to Arcadia, refer to [contribute guide]( ## Support If you need support, start with the troubleshooting guide, or create GitHub [issues](```of developers contributing to its continued development and improvement. It is available on a variety of platforms, including Linux, Windows, and 移动设备,and can be deployed on-premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid# Arcadia Our vision is to make it easier for cloud-native applications to integrate with AI, thereby making the cloud more intelligent and impactful. ## Quick start 1. Install arcadia operatormaintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).\\n\\nKubernetes provides a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) model, which allows developers to deploy, run, and scale containerized applications with minimal configuration and effort. It does this by abstracting the underlying infrastructure andunderlying infrastructure and providing a common set of APIs and tools that can be used to deploy, manage, and scale applications consistently across different environments.\\n\\nKubernetes is widely adopted by organizations of all sizes and has a large, active community of developers contributingin the cloud, or in a hybrid environment.\"","role":"assistant"}],"request_id":"7865480399259975113","task_id":"7865480399259975113","task_status":"SUCCESS","usage":{"total_tokens":203}},"msg":"操作成功","success":true}[内核](基于[kubernetes## Packages To enhace the AI capability in Golang,we developed some packages. ### LLMs - ✅ [ZhiPuAI(智谱AI)]( - [example]( ### Embeddings}]
Arcadia 是一个项目,旨在使云原生应用程序更容易与 AI 集成,从而使云更加智能和有影响力。该项目由 Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF)维护,并可在多种平台上使用,包括 Linux、Windows 和移动设备。它可以通过本地部署、云部署或混合部署。

Kubernetes 是一个提供平台即服务(PaaS)模型的系统,它使开发人员能够以最小的配置和努力来部署、运行和扩展容器化应用程序。它通过抽象底层基础设施,并提供一组通用的 API 和工具来实现这一目标,这些 API 和工具可以用于在不同的环境中一致地部署、管理和扩展应用程序。

Arcadia 项目包含了一些用于增强 Golang 中 AI 功能的软件包。其中,智谱 AI(ZhiPuAI)是一个 LLM(大型语言模型)软件包,提供了示例代码供开发者参考。


  1. Vector Store
  • ✅ chromadb
  1. Document Types
  • ✅ text
  • ✅ html
  • ✅ csv
  1. Embedding Service
  • ✅ zhipuai
  1. LLM Service
  • ✅ zhipuai