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This document will introduce how to install Arcadia on a Kubernetes cluster quickly. We assume you already read the prerequsities.


  1. Clone the code repoistory
git clone
  1. Enter the working directory
cd deploy/charts/arcadia
  1. Edit the values.yaml

See chart parameters for advanced customization.

  • Replace <replaced-ingress-nginx-ip> to the ip of ingress nginx
  1. Install arcadia
helm install arcadia -n kubeagi-system --create-namespace  .

Check if all pods will be ready

kubectl get pods -n kubeagi-system
  1. Access the Portal

Visit https://portal.<replaced-ingress-nginx-ip> and use proper user to login, same as how kubebb works!


  1. Remove arcadia
helm uninstall arcadia -n kubeagi-system

Some notes

  1. Expose minio console to visit your data, you can enable minio.ingress.console and access the console from https://minio-console.<replaced-ingress-nginx-ip>

  2. Minio API will be exposed, as minio.ingress.api will be enabled by default. And files will be uploaded using MinIO API directly. API address is https://minio-api.<replaced-ingress-nginx-ip>